Part 2: The Prep I’ve traveled for work throughout my entire career but after becoming a mother, the exercise of preparing to leave took on a whole new level of complexity and stress. It’s already a lot to have to think about everything that needs to be packed and planned for your own needs. Now layer on the worry of leaving the family on their own and the work of setting them up for success in your absence. The thought alone is enough to downright exhaust even the highest-energy super-mom on …
Travel For Work Like a #MOMBOSS
Part One: Survival Basics Being a working mom has it’s highs and lows and if I’m being totally honest, work travel falls firmly in both camps simultaneously for me. I count business trips as a high because I love to visit different cities and have the opportunity to change up my environment. Traveling for work also usually means that I will end up with more alone time than I typically can find at home. Stolen moments of quiet time on airplanes, where I am writing this now, have recently …